282 Pyrolysis of HDPE Using Hydrogen as a GC Carrier Gas
This application note demonstrates the benefits of using hydrogen as a carrier gas on a Thermo GC-MS and a CDS Pyroprobe. 6000 6200 6150
282 Pyrolysis of HDPE Using Hydrogen as a GC Carrier Gas
283 Deconvolution of Plastic Mixtures using a Polymer Subtraction Function in Py-GC-MS Data Analysis Software
280 Characterizing Waste Plastic Pyrolysis Oils using a Pyrolysis GC-MS
277 Quantitative Analysis of Microplastics in Shellfish using Pyrolysis-GC-MS
271 UV Degradation Studies of Polyisoprene Rubbers Using the Photoprobe
270 Sample-Stacking to Increase Sensitivity
245 Pyrolysis of Polycarbonate in a Steam Environment