286 Evaluation of Empore™ C18 Spin Column Ability to Increase Proteome Coverage via High pH Fractionation
284 Rapid Characterization of Seized Street Drugs using Evolved Gas Analysis plus Multi-Step Pyrolysis
283 Deconvolution of Plastic Mixtures using a Polymer Subtraction Function in Py-GC-MS Data Analysis Software
Jun 8, 2020222 Determination of Chlorinated Dioxins and Furans in Four Types of Wastewater by EPA Method 1613 CDS Empore C18 SPE Disks help ensure rapid and reliable sample preparation and provide excellent analyte recovery in the screening or...
Mar 19, 2020216 Determination of Organophosphorus Pesticides in Water Using EPA Method 8141B by Empore SDB-RPCDS Empore (formerly 3M Empore) SDB-RPS Solid Phase Extraction (SPE) disks facilitate rapid and reliable sample preparation and provide...
Oct 24, 2019208 Determination of Organic Compounds in Water by Empore C18 SPE Disks and GC-MS with EPA 525.23M Empore (now CDS Empore) C18 Solid Phase Extraction (SPE) disks facilitate rapid and reliable sample preparation and provide excellent...
Jul 16, 2019206 Analysis of Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons Using US EPA Quick Turnaround Method (QTM) This application note shows EmporeTM C18 SPE Disk to effectively extract Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) from aqueous sample and...